Rotem Nevgauker

Full Stack and iOS Developer

My name is Rotem and I am a Full Stack and iOS Developer.

I have a very strong track record in iOS as well as experience in other Web applications such as Flutter, React, React Native and Node.JS.

Because of my vast knowledge in mobile and web development I am able to help clients choose the right technology stack for their needs.

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What clients are saying...

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Rotem built the iOS version of our new concept and has been fantastic to work with. He's constantly thinking of smart ways to improve the experience while coding quickly and efficiently.

Richard Demb

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My Skills

Mobile Development

I build mobile apps with the most suited technology for the project. From native iOS apps to cross platform one and responsive websites using Flutter, React and React Native.


Backend Development

According to the project specifications, I can either set up serverless services such as firebase. I can also set up a custom server from scratch. I usually use Node.js and mongo.DB for the backend, but I have some Python and SQL past experience.



Use Cases

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This is a platfom for 2-hand buying and selling in your close vacinity. Apps are avalible both google play and the app store. I maintain both dev and prodoction servers using heroku for the code, mongo atlas for the data and cloudinery for the storage.

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Duedo is a productivity network designed to help reduce the stress and “noise” associated with other modern collaboration systems.of managing as well as gamification to enhance well being.

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This App allows trainers and sport experts to send feedback to their clients .They get videos from their clients and send them back a video with audio and visual feedback about how they exercise and how they can improve.The app is part of a platform that includes a firebase backend, and a React front end App.

SwiftFirebaseGoogle Cloud
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Willer is a marketplace platform that allows people to take initiative and ask what they are looking for and how much they are willing to pay for . This is a constantly changing system . From payment to free stuff (favors), from crypto based payment to normal / fiat payment .


Articles i wrote

Scalability & Maintenance
A Deep Dive into Clean Architecture

In the ever-evolving and changing world of iOS app

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Flutter for an IOS developer

Here are my 2 cents on the matter of switching between them

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